How to get out of a creative rut

Bust this out when you’re stuck in a creative rut and want to reconnect to that electrifying creative feeling again

“I just don’t feel creative….does this ever happen to you?”⁣ ……Yup. You bet. ⁣

As a creativity coach, and facilitator, and artist, I am not immune to feeling this way no matter how much I talk about or profess my love and devotion to creativity.⁣

It happens. Whether you call it a block, rut, sinkhole, or describe it as that feeling of “losing your creative spark”.⁣

….And when it does, we don’t have to attach any meaning to it….. about ourselves, our ability to be creative in the future or our identity as someone who creates. ⁣

It simply means it’s time to get curious and find out what you need to get reconnected to that electrifying expressive creative feeling again.⁣

I like to walk myself through these steps, get curious, and collect clues (like any solid creativity detective would)....⁣….

#1 Check in with how I’m feeling….emotionally...physically...and mentally. This is important because we’re human, so taking care of our well-being is the place to start and come back to. When I’m not getting enough sleep, not moving my body in ways that feel good to me, or I’m feeling depressed or anxious, those impact how I feel creatively and those are all signs my well-being needs tending too.⁣

#2 Scan of my creative space⁣
Next, it’s off to look at where I create most of the time. I look at whether my desks are tidy or whether they’re overflowing and messy with piles of books and notes. I look at whether I need to do an idea declutter or rearrange the space.⁣

#3 Creative practice pulse check⁣
Then I look at my personal creative practice and see if I’ve been using my supplies, cracking open my sketchbook or if they’ve been collecting dust.⁣

#4 Review projects + my business overall ⁣
Finally, it’s time to poke around and find out what feels playful and creative in my business, and what does not? Is my schedule too jam-packed? Do I need to perk up that cheerleader and bring some spunk + support to any of the ideas and projects I’m developing? ⁣

Here are some journal prompts and questions that’ll support you as you get curious and reflect on how to reconnect to that creative feeling again.⁣

What feels playful in my life, creative practice and life? And what does not?

How might I bring that playful feeling into those areas?

What ideas are inside of me that I need/want to express?

How do I want my creative practice/creative time to feel?

How might I tap into those feelings and bring them into the way I create + work?

What kind of breathing room or spaciousness do I need (i.e. daydream, quiet time, time to be bored, or play)?