Instead of worrying about EVERYTHING, ask yourself this ONE question

Almost every night like clockwork I’d wake up in a panic and run to my desk and scribble down another question, another task to double check. The midnight doubts would also involve a vision of no one showing up and me running around apologizing to all the vendors.

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A potent question when you're deep in the overwhelm and feeling deflated by perfectionism...

Whether it's your business, a creative calling or just life "stuff, most of the time there is no "finish line". Meaning there will always be more "to-do's" and things to accomplish. Sometimes the thought of that overwhelms and distracts me (can you relate?!) and brings on the anxiety. So lately I've been asking this question.....

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THIS is Part of the Creative Process too!

I've had a hangover that's going on day 11. It's not from an early holiday pub crawl or even a bachelorette weekend bender in Nashville. It's from a festival, VegFest London, that I was involved in organizing. While technically it's not a "hangover", hangover, it's the best way I can describe the zombie like tired trance I've been in. 

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The 4 lies perfection has been telling you.....AND why it's time to TUNE OUT

I created Revel in the Mess because our creative callings, our businesses and most of all ourselves, were never meant to be perfect. Perfection is a mirage in the distance that we’ll always be chasing, until we decide for that’s no longer worth waiting for.

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